Butterworms are fantastic feeder for the fussy eater because of their vivid color and alluring fruit scent. They’re high in fat and calcium, and store for long periods of time in the refrigerator. It is normal for Butterworms to form a doughnut shaped nest. Gently pull apart the nest to find your worms inside. It is imperative that Butterworms be kept dry. They will die when exposed to moisture. Keep them between 40 and 50 to slow their metabolism and keep them in a state of hibernation. Butterworms have been irradiated to prevent bacterial growth and prevent pupation if released in the wild. Do not feed Butterworms to your pets if you notice mold growing in the bedding.
Recommended for: Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, most Reptiles, Box Turtles, Predatory Fish, Frogs, Centipedes, Praying Mantis, Scorpions, and Spiders. ( Treat Only)
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